This is our “Signature” Dog-Proof blend of colorful raccoon fare that is soaked in pure CRAWFISH OIL which saturates all of our ingredients into one of the best DP Baits on the market. The cylinder of a DP imitates a crawfish hole in nature and we produce the bait that will give every animal that notion. Exceptional for Raccoon, Skunk and Opossum.
Our recipe includes Ground Angus, Fresh Ground Prairie Dog, Rendered Prairie Dog and Ground Poultry in FOUR equal parts making up the majority of this creation. Other attractive and savory ingredients in this proven recipe include beaver castor, tinctured beaver juice, liquid smoke and other essentials. This top-grade canine incentive works great for Coyote, Fox, Bobcat and more.
Our “Signature” Water Bait is a blend of Ground Poultry, Ground Fish, Textured Fish Pellets, Salmon Oil and other essential aromas that makes this an overall enticement to all animals. Great for Raccoon, Mink and Otter but this bait can also be used for Predators as a change-up at various set locations.
Many flavorsome ingredients in this proven Water Lure that blends Fish Oil, Beaver Castor, Tonquin Musk, Muscaro Musk and other essential oils making this a Top-Shelf product. Great for Raccoon, Beaver, Otter, Mink, Muskrat and more.
Time tested Canine curiosity blend that is a mixture of Pure Skunk Quill, Coyote Glands, Beaver Juice, Asafetida, Civet Oil and other essential ingredients making it a must have for your Predator sets. Great for Coyote, Fox, Bobcat and more.
Our Trailing Scent is a top-notch animal attractant that is a mixture of Salmon Oil, Blueberry Oil, Loganberry Oil, Sweet Corn Oil and other essential ingredients making this solution a great addition for use at any Dog-Proof, Cubby, Trail, Bridge or Pocket Set. Works great for Raccoon, Otter, Mink, Muskrat and more.